
J&R Underground takes pride in the quality of workmanship we provide to our customers and community.

We ensure our projects are led by an experienced construction team that has access to quality tools and construction equipment. Our objectives are to meet or exceed expectations and eliminate rework by building it right the first time.  We monitor our performance and foster a process of continuous quality improvement. 

I was extremely impressed with the vacuum excavation truck that J&R Underground supplied for our project this spring.

In an area that is mostly rocky soil, they were able to spot utilities as deep as 8’ in a matter of minutes. In the past, some of the pot holds may have taken an hour, in many cases longer. With the ability to efficiently spot utilities ahead of the directional bore rig, with minimal labor, we will definitely finish our jobs under budget and ahead of schedule! J&R Underground supplied the machine and crew that got the job done!

Jason, Gas Operations Supervisor, Rock Energy Cooperative